Sunday, April 10, 2016

I'm In The Bahamas Today

For a while, when Ted and I traveled, we’d always bring home a Starbucks cup from the area.  I have quite a collection and each morning I say “Where shall I go today?”  I pick a cup for my morning coffee and as I drink the magical, morning elixir I think about the good times that Ted and I had on that particular trip. 

This morning I am in the Bahamas, at least in my mind’s eye.  I see the beautiful blue ocean, the puffy, white cloud-filled sky and the grand cruise ship moored at the weathered dock in the background.

As I remember, I think of the last trip Ted and I took together.  It was December, 2013. He was sick on that trip but on this particular day he felt well enough to venture out to shore.  As we walked towards the shopping, we laughed at the fact that everywhere we went, absolutely everywhere, we found a Subway sandwich shop.  We stopped and took a picture in front of the store to send to Rashida.  It was an inside joke. 

Subway was Ted’s favorite store—basically not because the sandwiches were so good, but because wherever he went he could count on Subway to provide a consistently mediocre meal—neither plus nor minus—just in the middle.  Well on one cross country trip from San Francisco to New York, Rashida complained that everywhere they stopped, everywhere, Ted would only eat at Subway.  He wouldn’t try anything else. She told the story of passing through Tennessee (a place where she just knew they’d have some awesome barbecue).  She wanted to stop at one of the great looking restaurants they passed but Ted said “Nah, let’s just eat at Subway.”   Well that story became legend and so anywhere we went after that trip, we would laugh at the fact that we could always find a Subway.  I used to say, "Rashida, let’s eat at Subway today.”  She’d laugh, roll her eyes and we’d find one of the local restaurants instead.  Sometimes it would be a win—sometimes not, but at least it wasn’t boring.  So anyhow, fast forward to Nassau in the Bahamas.  We walked down the street and what should we see?  That’s right—Subway!  After taking our picture, we walked further down the street and found another staple—Starbucks.

We all loved Starbucks and wherever we traveled we knew we could depend on free WiFi and a great cup of coffee.  We’d taken to buying a Starbucks coffee cup for each place we visited and so we purchased a large Starbucks cup with “Bahamas” emblazoned on it; just below was a hugh conch shell superimposed on a design of the ocean.

I remember sitting in Count Basie square and watching the little children singing and dancing on the stage.  It was a beautiful, warm day and Christmas was everywhere except in the air.  It was cold back home but nice and warm here in Nassau.  Ted and I took selfies and held hands.  I was happy—we’d managed to carve out at least one good day.

So today, I’m in the Bahamas—basking in the warm memories of a time gone by.   Aahhhhh….

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